Chocolate Pomegranate Love Nests

I’m really not big on Valentine’s Day.  My boyfriend and I don’t even have plans, but he does love sweets, so I made him a decadent treat.  We were recently in this vegetable market by our apartment and he pointed out pomegranate seeds.  “These would be good for a Valentine’s Day recipe and blog post,” he said. Although he really doesn’t know much about cooking or baking, it was a really great suggestion.  So, I threw the seeds into my basket and sought out to make a dessert.

Voila! These simple, 4 ingredient, no-bake Chocolate Pomegranate Love Nests were created.  The dark chocolate and pomegranate seeds are packed with antioxidants, so this is a Valentine’s Day dessert that you can eat without the guilt! And they look like little bird’s nests, so make them for your love bird…or not.

Chocolate Pomegranate Love Nests

Makes 6 Nests


1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/4 cup pomegranate seeds

1/4 cup unsalted pumpkin seeds

sprinkle sea salt


1) Line a muffin tin with parchment paper.

2) Place the chocolate chips in the microwave for 30 seconds. Stir.  Microwave another 30 seconds, and stir again.  Microwave another 15 seconds.  Stir until the chocolate is creamy.  If needed, microwave another 15 seconds.

3) Add the pomegranate seeds and pumpkin seeds to melted chocolate and stir.

4) Pour the chocolate mixture into 6 segments of the muffin tin, so that they are just coating the bottom.  If needed, use a fork to evenly spread the mixture. Sprinkle sea salt on each nest.

5) Place the muffin tin in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.  The chocolate will harden and the nests will pop right out when ready.

Chocolate bite




Recipe ReDux: Peppermint Patties              

February 21st is my parent’s 34th wedding anniversary. Pretty awesome, right? It also happens to be my Recipe ReDux day. This month’s Recipe ReDux challenge is to show my “favorite healthy chocolate combo recipe”. I must say that I definitely took some liberties with this challenge because what I created is not really “healthy”. BUT, my homemade Peppermint Patties only have 5 ingredients and they don’t contain any additives… not to mention that they are my mom’s absolute FAVORITE candy. With the combination of Valentine’s Day, my parent’s wedding anniversary, and my Recipe ReDux chocolate challenge, it seemed only fitting to make this delectable treat. And I’m a big believer in indulging every once in a while, so go ahead and make these Peppermint Patties as a weekend treat!

peppermint patties

Makes 8-12 Patties


peppermint patties recipes2 cups powdered sugar

½ teaspoon mint oil (I found this at Whole Foods)

3 tablespoons of vegetable oil

1 tablespoon of water

1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips


  • Combine the powdered sugar, mint oil, vegetable oil, and water in a bowl and mix. You may have to use your hands to mix evenly.
  • Separate sugar mixture into 2-3 inch discs (as pictured below). Lay out on a baking sheet or cutting board and refrigerate for 1 hour.peppermint patty filling
  • After an hour, place the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 30 seconds, then stir. Keep microwaving in 30-second increments until the chocolate is melted. It should take about 1.5 minutes total.
  • Line a baking sheet with wax/parchment paper. Take each sugared ball and dip into the melted chocolate (I used a spoon to make sure it stayed together). Then place the chocolate covered filling on the parchment paper. Repeat with each sugar ball.
  • Refrigerate the finished peppermint patties for at least 30 minutes. The chocolate should be solid when they are ready to eat!
  • peppermint patties v2